Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

got a weird feeling!!

my tears is falling down.
i dont understand what's goin on with me..

perasaan galau dan sedih itu datang tiba-tiba disaat facebook bertuliskan "boqir Tkurniawan" aku klik dari relationship status aku..dulu aku sering melakukan ini, being a stalker of him..
YEAP!! i'm a stalker of him, everyday i just open my account and search his name.. i just want to know his update, his wall or his recent activities.. aku tidak berharap banyak dengan bertanya di wall accountnya.. sudah berkali-kali aku melakukan itu dan hasilnya nuthin..wall aku dihapus!!
aku juga sering mentag foto and i put my comment there.. i expect he'll reply it. kecewa dan sedih!!

hal itu engga sekali, dan akhirnya aku menyerah and i said to myself stop being a stalker of him.. it just made u a sad and disappointed. aku berhenti melakukan kebiasaan melihat accountnya setiap aku membuka accountku//

sampai dengan malam ini..
ketika aku membuka account ku, aku meng-klik namanya..dan membuka accountnya.
walaupun itu bukan yang pertama setelah lama dia tidak membuka accountnya..
tapi hal yang membuatnya beda, adalah dia membalas komen aku di album,,
yep! i made a comment for his photo album..i just reflect wanna give a comment.
i never expect for his replied, but he gives it.

i dont know it's weird,
i'm sad, suddenly..it reminds me about the past.
mungkin memang kamu selalu anggap hal ini sepele.. but i really sad about my walls, my comments that u ignored or deleted..
aku pernah bertanya sama kamu "kenapa, wall aku selalu dihapus..?"
u said "it's not important" , padahal aku suka iseng cuma nulis yank berkali-kali..
ada wall dari temen kamu cuma menggambar ()()====() (u know what it is, i guess)..
u didn't delete it, my wall is not more important than this picture.

so many things remind me of the past..berkaitan dengan account facebook.
but it's past..i live not for the past, i wrote this and now i'm feeling weird!!
hahahahaa, weird feeling for this October 3rd, 2009 ..
now, its 3:39 am .. me better to sleep..

2 komentar:

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thank u so much, im flaterred :)
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